It is funny how some people see your post and they just feel this sense of ‘luxury’ for you. They believe you have them all together.
You can be lucky enough to get a ticket to travel to Abu Dhabi but it just came your way out of luck. Not like you planned it anyway. Or you got an opportunity to go to one of the most talked about restaurant in your city and you did not even plan it, it just came your way. Definitely, you are excited and then you snapchat and instapost the experience. You feel better but someone out there is planning to have what you had. Someone out there is envious of that experience and you did not even stress yourself.
That isn’t your everyday life. We don’t even get to show people our everyday life on instagram. We let them to see what we want them to see. Isn’t what we want people to see happiness?
There is no judging here. Just a topic to know if you truly are your instagram post. Just think about that. Some people expect to see you wild because of your posts but end up disappointed. Some expect to see that flawless skin and face and make up but end up seeing flaws. PHOTOSHOP definitely did the job.
We shouldn’t expect much from people especially the instagram world. We have flaws. From celebrities to commoners. Some are just trying to get that paycheck. Making a living out of the media.
So, think again, are you your instagram posts?
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